Open 24/7
Call or text anytime
(214) 436-2295
The machines shown below are the models and styles we typically have in our inventory (exact graphics and designs may vary from machine to machine).
The factory dimensions for each model class are listed below, but as a general guideline, the space required is approx one square yard of floor space and all will operate on a standard 110V electical outlet.
All of our machines are Energy rated..however, the power required to run a snack vending machine is miniscule since aside from the interior light (which can be switched off if desired) or scrolling LED display it uses no energy until a product is vended. The drink and frozen food machines require a bit more obviously, but since the cabinet door is always shut (thus no cold air is escaping from constantly being a home fridge) and the machines are commercially insulated it draws much less energy than the refrigerator or freezer in most homes. Most businesses with over 1000 sq ft or more of space do not even notice an increase in their monthly bill.
Multi-price slections
72" H x 37 W x 34 D
Dollar bill vaildated
MDB mechanized
flat front
50 selecltions
400-600 items
• Model 600E
• Multi-price selections
• 79" H x 38" W x 35" D 
• Dollar bill validated
• MDB mechanized
• Curved front
• 9 selections
• 220 to 350 items (botls) up to 600 (cans)
• Model 167 (6 shelves)
• Multi-price
• 72" H x 38" W x 35" D 
• Dollar bill validated
• MDB mechanized
• 5 wide snack machine
• 35 to 40 selections
• 300 to 400 items